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Coping With Inflation? Be Budget Aware.

News About Savings cmartarano@dov…
By GreenPath Financial Wellness Inflation continues to put pressure on household budgets. From groceries to gas, record-breaking inflation means the purchasing power of your money is decreasing each month. Our partner, GreenPath Financial Wellness, offers you the following steps to keep “budget
Coping With Inflation? Be Budget Aware.

budget tips

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budget planner

Items related to budget planning


Items related to budgets

Savings Information

Learn all about our savings programs! Whether you're planning for retirement or need to save some extra cash. 

Emergency Fund

Items related to emergency funds

Coping With Inflation? Be Budget Aware.

3 Ways to Maximize Your Tax Return

It can be tricky to know what to do with your money, especially during tax return season. Do you save every penny? Do you pay down that debt that’s been weighing you down? The ideal solution would be something in the middle, but sometimes you need to prioritize one over the other. Here are 3 ways to

6 Keys For Being Retirement Ready

Time passes fast. If you looked at your savings now, do you think you’ll be ready for retirement? At what age do you want to retire? Do you have a plan to get there? These are some pretty heavy questions, but the more you save and prepare now, the more comfortable your retirement will be. Everyone

Raising Financially Savvy Kids

Even if your kids are cooped up indoors, there are lots of ways to keep them engaged and learning while they’re at home. April is National Financial Literacy Month. It's the perfect time to focus on your child's financial literacy and teach them the money skills they'll need throughout their lives